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2 Math Engagement Strategies

Writer: Juliana TapperJuliana Tapper

I recently facilitated a math workshop for one of clients as a math intervention specialist that maxed out my zoom capacity at 100 participants! At the end of the workshop I asked, “What’s your biggest challenge with remote learning?” Fifty percent of the math teachers said engagement was their biggest challenge. If you were wondering, the next most popular answer was feeling overwhelmed (be it learning new tech or planning in this new way) at 23%.

As you know, I’m extremely passionate about intervention math and strategies for math intervention as well as math teaching strategies for students with learning disabilities so I always have these students in mind as I provide math professional development and math workshops for my clients. My workshops mainly focus on three aspects:

  1. Quick math engagement

  2. Accessible content delivery

  3. Equitable and engagement digital activities

Starting each class period with some quick math engagement really helps students feel comfortable and safe in your math class, which is imperative if you’re teaching an intervention or special education math class. My free guide, Remote Math Engagement Boosters, showcases two strategies that will get students talking and participating in secondary mathematics. These are great math engagement strategies, particularly strategies for math intervention, that will encourage discourse online and will create positive digital interactions with your students.

Strategy one is more focused on classroom culture building with non-math prompts that get your students chatting while strategy two reveals a great way to get students talking about math with estimation.



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