Colorado Department of Education
Scope of Work
- Create and deliver a series of webinars for the Exceptional Student Services department around Specific Learning Disabilities in Mathematics.
- Client since 2019

Colorado Department of Education
Scope of Work
- Provide virtual workshops twice a month to support secondary math teachers teaching in facilities schools across the state of Colorado
- Client since 2020

East Side Union High School District
Scope of Work
- Plan and facilitate a full year of Special Education math professional learning
- Sessions focused on growing teacher confidence of the mathematics of the upcoming units along with engagement strategies.
- Provide weekly coaching to district math leadership
- Client since 2018

Northeast Colorado BOCES
Scope of Work
- Plan and facilitate multiple one day workshops for BOCES special education teachers. Workshops focused on increasing student engagement in secondary math for students with learning differences.
- Client for 2018-19

Pikes Peak BOCES
Scope of Work
- Plan and facilitate multiple virtual workshops for Pikes Peak BOCES secondary math teachers during summer 2020 professional development week.
- Client since 2020-21

New America Schools
Scope of Work
- Plan and facilitate multiple workshops for NAS Math Teachers on engagement and increasing student achievement
- Instructional coaching
- Client since 2019

Capitan Municipal Schools
Scope of Work
- Plan and facilitate a one day workshop for special education teachers.
- Topic: Diving Deep, content and strategies for teachers and assistants working with special education students.
- Client for 2018-19

Milpitas Unified School District
Scope of Work
- Provide multiple one day workshops to Milpitas High School math department on engagement strategies, common grading, goal setting
- Provide monthly coaching for department chairs
- Client from 2018 - 2020