Juliana Tapper, M.Ed
Founder, Lead Math Consultant
I am a former high school math support and Algebra 1 teacher and co-teacher having taught, led departments, and led PLC teams at high schools in South Central Los Angeles, East San Jose, and Denver. I also served as a district math coach and TOSA where I led professional development for math and special education teachers across thirteen urban high schools.
Frustrated with the lack of support, resources, and quality professional development for math teachers that work with students below grade level, I founded CollaboratEd Consulting LLC in 2018 and have provided high quality PD and coaching for schools, districts, and state departments of education to increase student engagement and outcomes in mathematics with staggering success.
My work has been published in NCTM's journal, Mathematics Learning & Teaching, and I am an in demand presenter at national and state conferences including NCTM, CAMT, ASCD, and more. I am also the author of the Amazon Best Seller, Teaching 6-12 Math Intervention: A Practical Framework To Engage Students Who Struggle (Routledge). For references, please contact juliana@collaboratedconsulting.org. I look forward to bringing my passion and expertise to your school or district!
I'm also a mom, dog mom, wife to an incredible hubby, and obsessed with chai tea. I grew up a beach girl in Santa Monica, California, but turned mountain mama when we relocated just outside of Denver, Colorado.

Tapper, J. (December 2024). Teaching 6-12 Math Intervention: A Practical Framework To Engage Students Who Struggle. Routledge.
Ervin-Kassab, L., Roddick, C., Vickery, A., & Tapper, J. (December 2020). Claim Rule Connection: A Strategy for Justifying Reasoning. NCTM Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching, 113 (12).
Juliana Tapper (2019), review of Time for Change: 4 Essential Skills for Transformational School and District Leaders by Anthony Mohammad & Luis F. Cruz, NCSM Newsletter, 50 (1), pp 26.
Juliana Tapper (2018), review of The Art of Coaching Teams: Building Resilient Communities That Transform Schools by Elena Aguilar, NCSM Newsletter, 49 (2), pp 29.
Co-author (Fall 2017). Fostering Academic Language in Mathematics: University and District Partners Develop a Workshop for In-service Teachers. Southern California Professional Development School News Magazine, 6(2), pp 8.